Thursday, November 13, 2008

Their Hauntings......

Their stories are their hurts which are their hauntings.

They replay the horror over and over again in their minds. They relive the horror inside their heads daily even now several years after they experienced it.

They hate the dark, they hate being alone, both of which allow the haunting to come stronger

All their hauntings involve guns, shooting, blood, and death.

For one it was hiding with her aunt in her bathroom downstairs when the intruders, the enemies came and shot and killed her uncle. She remembers the sound of the gun shots, she remembers the screams, she remembers sight of her uncle’s dead body lying on the floor and the blood around him.

For one it was riding the back seat of her cousin’s car with her dad and little cousin by her side while her older cousin and his girlfriend were in the front. She remembers the other car pulling up and her dad lying on top of her and her cousin to protect them. She remembers the sounds of the gun shots, she remembers the screams, she remembers the sight of her older cousin’s dead body lying on top of the steering wheel and the blood coming from her dad’s shoulder that had been shot. She remembers that moment every time she sees the scar on her dad’s shoulder to this day.

For one it was hiding with her aunt in the kitchen when the intruders, the enemies came and shot up her house. She was too young to remember many details but she does remember the sound of the gun shots, the sound of the screams, and the sight of the blood coming from wounds.

These girls are haunted by these memories – these sounds and sights that cause them to lie awake at night in fear – fear in the darkness – fear of death, the death of themselves or close family members – memories that cause them to have violent nightmares when sleep finally does come.

One girl who is haunted made the comment “people just can’t let stuff go.” But it’s nearly impossible to let something go that haunts you, that has haunted you since you where a small child.

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