Thursday, November 13, 2008



What does hope look like, feel like?
How does one possess it?

Is it an attitude?
Is it a person?
Is it optimism?

Hope –
That love will win in the end
That redemption will come
That the pain and suffering is not3 in vain
That the hurting will stop
That there is greater beauty to behold
That the greatness within them will be released
That they will reach their potential

Hope –
The sun will come after the rain
The warmth will come after winter
The smile will come after the tears

We are not alone
We are loved without strings
God is present
God is present in the midst of suffering

The poor possess more than the rich
The wounded have greater depth than those scar free
Loving others is always worth it
The hard road has greater meaning

I do not have to carry the burdens of the world alone

The sun rays bursting through the clouds
The belief in remaining goodness

In the Lord
In Christ
In God
In his unfailing love
In his word
That he will continue to deliver us
In the living God

Of Glory
Of salvation
Of eternal life

always waiting for that which is far off
not to be seen but believed

Produced by suffering
Suffering produces perseverance which produces character which produces hope.

Love always hopes!

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