Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dancing light in the air of the dark night…..

“Dance, when you’re broken open
Dance, if you’ve taken the bondage off
Dance, in the middle of the fighting
Dance, in your blood
Dance, when you’re perfectly free.”
-rumi (quote sent to me from my friend Chelsea)

I love the way the colored lights dance in winter’s night air.
I love the way they are suspended – floating in the peaceful dark of night
The trees on which they hang become invisible at night
The lights are left visible – left to dance in the darkness
The lights sparkle, twinkle, delight in the season, delight in Christmas time
The lights dance at night – care free they float, care free they shine
Unbothered by the freezing air – air cold enough to chap the face and burn the lungs
The lights dance in the air of the dark night – for their own delight – mostly no one watches – mostly no one notices – but even when one does they are unbothered – unchanged.

Dance on lights in the darkness
Dance on Christmas sparkle in winter night
Dance on and let me notice, let me watch, let me share in your freedom, in your delight.

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